Terms of Use
General Terms and Conditions of Business and Use
1. Terms o fUse for www.stylaholic.com
www.stylaholic.com is an offering of Stylaholic GmbH, Spiegelstraße 7, 81241 Munich. Stylaholic GmbH aggregates information and third-party offerings (online shops in the area of fashion and lifestyle) on its websites, stylaholic.de, stylaholic.com, stylaholic.at and stylaholic.ch, and makes them available to its users in a structured manner, free of charge.
Stylaholic does not sell any products on its websites. The transaction generally takes place on partners' websites subject to their GTCs, as amended in each case. Users who are interested in the products are redirected to the website of the relevant vendor by clicking a button. It is the user's responsibility to verify on the partner's website that the aggregated offering on Stylaholic is up-to-date and to check and obtain all important information on the partner's website which will play a material role in decision-making with a view towards conclusion of a contract.
Stylaholic endeavors to ensure that its offerings are up-to-date and conducts updates several times a day in order to keep its records up-to-date. However, since an update function in real time is not technically feasible, cases may occur in which price information of information about product availability may differ from the information on the partner's website. Accordingly, the information on the partner's website with regard to price, products and characteristics is decisive in each case.
Stylaholic's website contain links to outside third-party websites. Stylaholic has no control over their content and is not responsible in any way for such third-party content. the relevant vendor or website operator is alone responsible for the content of linked websites in each case.
2. Intellectual Property and Copyrights
Intellectual property rights and copyrights exists for all content of the websites operated by Stylaholic. Contentmay not be reproduced, disseminated and processed, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Stylaholic. Any unlawful use is prohibited. All unauthorized use, dissemination, processing, publication, reproduction and public communication will be pursued in accordance with copyright law. All trademarks are property of their respective owner and are also protected.
The user hereby agrees to comply with applicable laws in Germany and to use the offerings on Stylaholic exclusively for private purposes. All commercial use is prohibited.
3. Liability of Stylaholic
Stylaholic shall generally be liable only for intentional or grossly negligent conduct. This exclusion of liability shall also apply in favor of the legal representatives and vicarious agents of Stylaholic GmbH.
4. Final Provisions
These Terms of Use represents Stylaholic's general terms and conditions of use. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply, to the exclusion of the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods. If individual provisions of these Terms of Use are invalid, in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
The exclusive place of jurisdicton shall be Munich, to the extent legally permissible.